I have this sketchbook, a small moleskine with cream-colored pages, and I keep sketch notes in there of things I want to remember: the 7 wonders of the world, the "rules" of being Amish, color sketches of the various breeds of cow, you name it. I made it for myself, just to compile all the little notes and doodles I had in sketchbooks over the years, and to remember things that interested me. There are a couple of people that have shown an interest in publishing it, but the project's gone nowhere because of copyright. Most everything in the book is a reference from somewhere else, and often it's noted in the sketchbook, but not fully annotated, since it was just...you know, for ME. So there's a brick wall. I would hate to have it published, and have it be a success, and then get sued for plaigarism. Anyway, this is Mr. Rogers, and his little cat, too. Pay no attention to the Japanese couple behind his back. They're involved in the floating art of "shunga." And we all know what THAT means...
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