Friday, December 7, 2007
Just Like Bingo Pajama
If you've ever read Tom Robbins' "Jitterbug Perfume" you'll know of the tale of Bingo Pajama, whose thoughts were so pure that he eminated a perfume to which bees were drawn, resulting in a crown, of sorts, made entirely of bees. This is my take on that premise; A woman (whose bodily rhythms are said to be influenced by the cycles of the moon) whose inner glow attracts moths to her, competing with even the moon itself. Moths, by the way, are attracted to flame because of an inner working navigating itself into position based on its relativity to the moon. In any case, I just thought it was a fun idea. Moths make me smile.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sometimes You're the Bird....Usually, You're the Windshield
I have another Moleskine sketchbook in which I'm keeping a collection of illustrated stories from my childhood. Here is one such story: We lived in Liech, Germany, in a small apartment on the second floor of an old building, above a bakery. Every morning we woke to the fantastic smell of broetchen fresh from the ovens, which would rise up the steep steps to my family's apartment. (Once, I took two steps down those stairs, and tumbled all the way down them, like in a cartoon.) One wintery day, my mother asked me to take the garbage downstairs to the dumpster behind the bakery. On the way, I looked down to find a shiny 5-mark coin, lying face up and magestic in a pile of sidewalk snow. Like accepting a gift from the skies, I excitedly plucked it from the snow, ecstatic about the prospect of my newfound fortune. I stood and smiled, reflecting on my luck. Suddenly I felt a jolt...something wet...and discovered at that moment, to my great displeasure, that a bird had pooped directly in the middle of my head. ...That's always been my luck.
Friday, November 9, 2007
With Your Feet in the Air and Your Head on the Ground
I've been drawing buried people lately, covered up in sand. I don't know why, but for some reason, it's very relaxing. Plus I have a thing for sand crabs. I used to lie on the beach in Hawaii, no one around for miles and miles and watch these little sand crabs pop out, run across the sand, and pop back down. For some reason they, along with the ocean waves, made for a soothing little soundtrack. In any case, I thought I'd do a series of these, since they're so fun. I might need more wall space.
Friday, October 19, 2007
It's My Personality...
I've always heard the urban legend about the "tragic" fates of the cast of "Our Gang." According to Snopes (which I consider the be-all, end-all of urban legend issues), there WERE a few tragedies, but most of the cast's deaths were pretty uneventful in the whole scheme of things. Stymie died of heart failure at age 56, Spanky died of a heart attack at age 54, Porky died of cancer at 72, and Darla died of hepititis at 57, to name a few.
Alfalfa was always my favorite, though, and his end WAS a little unusual. Evidently, he worked as a bartender and a hunting guide, and ended up getting shot at age 31 from a dispute over $50. I was just thinking how even though Alfalfa was an adult by then, probably trying desperately to live down his childhood superstardom, I can't help but still think of him as the loveable little dude with the "personality" sticking straight out of his head.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
In The Land of the Blind...
This is an oldie. I've got it framed in my living room. I was thinking about vanity, and how much time people spend worrying about looks and beauty, when there are people out there who can't just slap on some lipstick, get a new 'do and feel like a supermodel. Something like having no jawbone kinda puts a damper on the whole male model gig. I think that's why I liked Palahniuk's "Invisible Monsters" so much. Who are you when looks REALLY aren't a factor?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Don't They Ever Stop Migrating?
This, if you can't tell, is Ms. Tippi Hedren in Hitchcock's "The Birds." I actually did see this movie, and it might just be my generational bias, but I found it quite silly. I couldn't help it. Like most older movies, I'm sure it was horrifying at the time. I just couldn't help but giggle. I tried to amp up the silliness by using the ever-popular (and quite sily) M-shaped birds.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
In A Van Down By The River
Poor Chris Farley. What can you say? Too much booze, drugs, and hooker's'll really take a toll on a man, I guess. I used to love him on SNL and in Tommy Boy, before Adam Sandler made memorable movies, and before Phil Hartman was shot. There was an awesome SNL skit of a bunch of 'roid ragers with wifebeater shirts on, acne, and teeny tiny fake legs, where Farley kept saying, "Who's with me, fellas?" and no one would respond. He was hilarious. I think one mistake I made was looking at closeup photos of Farley dead and bloated in his apartment. Now, alongside the memory of the burley Chippendale's chubby dancer, I get a sick image of him dead on the floor. ...In hindsight, maybe that was a bad idea.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
And Now for Something Colorful
I haven't posted in a while...Way too much going on! But here I am, and I was aware of the lack of color in my recent posts, not to mention being tired of looking at Tara's vacant smile, so here's an oldie but goodie. It's a children's book picture for a story that exists only in my head, about a pompous princess who assumes the world revolves around her. If you'll notice, though, you can only see the backs of the heads of the people in the crowd, as she smiles away. (I really like that hand, though.)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Wardrobe Malfunction My Butt
This is Tara Reid. Remember her "wardrobe malfunction" at Cipriani's in New York City for PDiddy's birthday party? I mean, she's just smiling away for the paparazzi cameras with her entire boob hanging out. There was a lot of talk about that bare boob looking like a botched surgery job, so I imagined this franken-boob. Now maybe it's because I usually only wear tshirts and jeans, but I've never in my life had as many problems with "coverage" as celebrities do today! I could see if it happens once in your life, but 4 times in a month? I mean, is it that hard to get out of a car discreetly--or wear underwear, for that matter? The only explanation is that either these stars are completely delusional about their wardrobes, or they're doing it to get attention. Either way, it's hilarious.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I Stick My Neck Out for Nobody
This is Bogart. ...Humphrey Bogart. Evidently, the title of this post was said by his character in "Casablanca," but I've never seen it. I love this ballpoint pen drawing, and eventually I want to paint it. I considered cropping it for this post, but one of the things I love about it is that it's long and thin, and I have a thing for painting thin compositions. I don't remember my reference for this sketch, but I made up my own story for it. It came from a book of photos about Bogart movies. I realize I'm Bogie-illiterate, but again, I blame my love of black & white movie photos. I thought I could experiment by putting something lying at his feet, like the slumped body of Barney the Dinosaur, or a giant clown, or a mime. That would be kind of funny.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Alright, Meow Where Were We?
Meow, what is so damn funny? Do I look like a cat to you? Do I drink milk from a saucer? Do you see me eating mice? Not so funny meow, is it? ...Anyway, it's a toad. And obviously, he's trying out his interspecies language skills. I just made the "Supertroopers" reference because it's one of my favorite parts. ....MEOW!
Pull the Strings!!!
This, of course, is Mr. Dracula. Wait, is it Lugosi? Karloff? I forget. I just wanted to inject a little color back into the posts, albeit somber color. It just reminds me of the old movies my dad loves. He said on occasion he'd pop in a movie that used to scare the bejeezies out of him as a kid, only to discover that current technological advancements in the ways of special effects have really soured some of the fear he used to feel as a kid. Sometimes, you just can't go back. ...In other news, I used a new kind of paint for this one; a brand of goache my mother let me try. It was nice.
Ready For My Closeup, Mr. DeMille...
When we first moved to Texas, I was horribly disheartened by the lack of job opportunities in the area. Answering a newspaper ad for a graphic illustrator which contained only a phone number, I begrudgingly called. The prospective job was nearly an hour away, and payed a pocket-scorching $7 an hour. The owner, however, was very confident in his status, and very distrusting of the talents of the applicants thus far, and asked me to bring a test, of sorts. "I want you to draw me a toaster, a still life, and a sketch of yourself. Bring it to the interview, and we'll see what skills you've got." I did the drawing, although you might notice from my sketch my enthusiasm about the situation. In the end, I didn't even bother showing up. Good thing, as it turns out. I got a better job anyway.
Friday, July 6, 2007
A Man's Gotta Do What a Man's Gotta Do...
Another ballpoint pen and Sharpie drawing, from my 1950's movie book. It's Gary Cooper in High Noon. Evidently, that movie was filmed in 1952, and was 85 minutes long. Eighty-five minutes! And now there are all these movies over three hours! Anyway, I stretched his face a bit. I like it that way. I love the darks and lights, and the wrinkles on his face were so much fun.
Oh, Brother!
This is John Goodman, from "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?" which, if you haven't seen it, is an awesome movie, and you must run to get a copy. Don't even bother renting. Just buy it. John Goodman played the Cyclops, who, among other events, squishes a toad (who may or may not have been one of the primary characters) after gestating. Hence the bib with the lobster on it. Anyway, it's done in ballpoint pen. I like the look of black, white, and red, so I often add a bit of red to a sketch to perk it up a bit. ...Dang, he looks happy, doesn't he?
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Who You Callin' a Psycho?
I can't help it--I am fascinated by celebrity news. It's like watching an ant farm or sea monkeys--I am so confused by how our interpretation of "normal" changes when people become rich and famous. This is Renee Zellweger, who's famous for her sourpuss. She has a little pouty mouth. I love drawing caricatures, but I'm not nearly as good at it as the ones on Gallery of the Absurd. Still fun, though!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Don't Let's Start
This is an oldie but a goodie, probably from around 1998 or '99. Again, I love the old black & white photos. I don't remember who this is, but I have a book on Humphrey Bogart, and a book on Frederic March, so maybe it came from one of those. Usually, I take bits and pieces from various sources and combine them to make my own little scene. A hand here, a face there, a background from somewhere else. That's why I call my site "Mockingbird Ink." Mockingbirds do the same thing with their songs. Anyway, it was done in ballpoint pen with a Payne's Gray acrylic wash, with some acrylic touches. I did a mock-up once of this as a cover for a They Might Be Giants single called "Don't Let's Start." It would've made a great cover! I think maybe recycled paper case, with this on the cover. Yes?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Brought To You By the Letter "M"
Here's another sketchbook page, of one of my favorites, Jim Henson. I wrote to him before he died, and he sent back an autographed photo, and a signed form letter. It was awesome! I have it hanging in the hallway. I always thought it would be cool to work at the Creature Shop. I love the Muppets. I love Fraggle Rock. I love The Dark Crystal. Jim Henson was the best!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Happy Mailman
Here's my happy mailman! It's one piece in an attempt to develop some portfolio pieces geared more toward children. You'll notice the little boston terrier, also featured in the "Esther, the Fat, Tattooed Mermaid" piece, who is my littlest dog, Adie, who adores me immensely, and makes an excellent model (as well as an excellent footwarmer).
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
I have this sketchbook, a small moleskine with cream-colored pages, and I keep sketch notes in there of things I want to remember: the 7 wonders of the world, the "rules" of being Amish, color sketches of the various breeds of cow, you name it. I made it for myself, just to compile all the little notes and doodles I had in sketchbooks over the years, and to remember things that interested me. There are a couple of people that have shown an interest in publishing it, but the project's gone nowhere because of copyright. Most everything in the book is a reference from somewhere else, and often it's noted in the sketchbook, but not fully annotated, since it was know, for ME. So there's a brick wall. I would hate to have it published, and have it be a success, and then get sued for plaigarism. Anyway, this is Mr. Rogers, and his little cat, too. Pay no attention to the Japanese couple behind his back. They're involved in the floating art of "shunga." And we all know what THAT means...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Twizzlers Are Better Anyway
I have this program that runs around and finds scholarship money and contests for me. One such contest was sponsored by Red Vines, and was a contest to design a new special edition package. They gave the specifications: the size, the logo, and that everything had to be done by hand--original artwork only--and only one color...which I interpreted as white, black, and one color. I guess I was wrong, because the posted winners were done in PENCIL. Thing was, it was also supposed to be relevant to their company. When I read the company history, it had something to do with cowboys, hence the goofy guy. I think the winner was a pencil drawing of kids playing in grass or something. Anyway, long story short, I didn't win. ...AGAIN. I never win. It's fun.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Iron Will of Colonel Nicholson
I have a book of photo stills called "Movies of the 50's;" one of those old discount-section-of-Borders books. I LOVE drawing from old black & white photos. If anything, just for the practice. Since I use ballpoint pen, it's always just a chance to play around with light and shading. This dude is Alec Guinness from "The Bridge on the River Kwai." I don't know him. But it sort of reminds me of that Tom Hanks movie where he was stranded on an island with all of his postal supplies and his volleyball named "Wilson."
UPDATE: I've recently been "served." I don't make connections. Sometimes my brain synapses don't jive, and my ducks don't line up like they're supposed to. I've been humbly made aware of the fact that Alec Guinness is, of course, Obi-Wan. What can I say? This is why I suck at "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon." I wondered why his face seemed so familiar.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Bookmarks of the Gods
This is a series I thought would be awesome for educational bookmarks. I thought it'd be cool if there was info about the person on the back and if their heads stuck up above the closed book. I could see a whole series of authors, artists, even actors...too bad I don't have the wherewithal to make THAT happen.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Esther, the Fat Tattooed Mermaid, & her Talking Dog, Poo.
I love this one. I spent forever trying to pay close attention to detail, as I have a tendency to rush, just to get the main image out before my head stops seeing it. This one's a bit of a heartbreaker, though. I sent it in again, to Communication Arts, hoping that it might be good enough to publish, and once again, it didn't get in. They charge $25 per entry. Each year, I try to enter four. This year, I sent this one, thinking it was one of my best. It's sad when one of your best doesn't get picked as one of THEIR best. But I love it anyway! (sniff!)
I'm Gonna Get the Papers...Get the Papers.
I love mob movies. I don't remember where this came from. I used it in a shirt on my mockingbird ink website, as a shirt for an pest extermination service. I thought that was kinda funny. Reminded me of Maurey's Wigs, from Goodfellas.
"Chancho. When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room. It's for fun."
I know people weren't impressed, but I loved "Nacho Libre!" Jack Black has a tendency to take things over the top, where his personality takes over the whole show, but this character was so different than I imagined. He did a good job of toning it down, while still being able to run around in blue tights.
Greased Lightning
Here's another ballpoint-pen and dying sharpie drawing. This one's of Travolta as Danny in "Grease." While posting, I got confused and thought of the Fonz. Mom said he was one of my first crushes. I used to sit in front of the telly with my giant glasses, head cradled in my hand, and sigh longingly. It must've been the leather jacket and the highwaters. Considering my next crush was Donnie Osmond, I'd say my tastes were quite varied.
Hooray for 3-D!
The Girl That Draws
This is me, as a kid. My mom let me pick out my own glasses. I don't know if it was the style in the 80's or what, but they always look about 10 sizes too big. My favorite outfit at the time was, of all things, a Ronald McDonald A-line dress. I don't even know how we acquired it (or--god forbid--ever PURCHASED it), but it was a fashion necessity at every social event for me as a child.
I even had matching red tights.
Bad Words
This is my childhood friend, Michelle. If you are offended by naughty words, you shouldn't look at her shirt. Two important things she taught me was how to draw animals using circles and lines, and what bad words meant. We were a bit confused by the whole thing. One day, she came running up to me in school, saying her dad had sat her down and told her what all the bad words meant. In the background is the word "rhythm." We had a spelling bee, and her parents said they'd give her $100 if she won. She didn't. I didn't either. I lost on the word "rhythm," and I still have trouble with it to this day.
Some Lady's Face
Crab Man
Ladies & Gentlemen...Billy Preston!
I'll admit, I don't know who Billy Preston is. I was doing some drawings to dress up a letter I was writing to my friend Erin. This time, I went with a theme: the Afro. I included the Rainbow Man, along with a few others I don't remember. Erin's the only one I write real letters to, anymore. She used to decorate her letters with collages & stickers. I like to draw in ballpoint first, and go over them with watercolors.
Help Me, Obi-Wan!
This, of course, is Princess Leia. At least, my version of her. I work with ballpoint pen, mostly. There's something permanent about it that I love. And, for the first time, a dying Sharpie was of use in filling in her buns. There was just enough that if I turned it the right way, it actually allowed for some shading. I did a couple of these little drawings while I could.
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