Okay, so it's been a while. I think it'll be okay, though, since no one seems to ever read this blog. I don't mind. I didn't do it for you. So since my last post, I've learned I've a gummi bear growing in my tummy. I find it exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I've promised myself I wouldn't start drawing only cutesy baby things. I don't think that will be a problem. In saying that, I dug up this little doodle to remind me to not repeat past sins...When I was little and would visit my grandmother, she would take me to her hairstylist, who would instantly clip my hair shorter, and give me a perm. What did I know? I thought it was "fancy" to go to a stylist. As a result, I perpetually was confused for a boy in many, many school districts. Ah, well. If I screw anything up for my gummi bear, I can always go with this: It Builds Character...