I've always heard the urban legend about the "tragic" fates of the cast of "Our Gang." According to Snopes (which I consider the be-all, end-all of urban legend issues), there WERE a few tragedies, but most of the cast's deaths were pretty uneventful in the whole scheme of things. Stymie died of heart failure at age 56, Spanky died of a heart attack at age 54, Porky died of cancer at 72, and Darla died of hepititis at 57, to name a few.
Alfalfa was always my favorite, though, and his end WAS a little unusual. Evidently, he worked as a bartender and a hunting guide, and ended up getting shot at age 31 from a dispute over $50. I was just thinking how even though Alfalfa was an adult by then, probably trying desperately to live down his childhood superstardom, I can't help but still think of him as the loveable little dude with the "personality" sticking straight out of his head.